Friday, October 21, 2011

iPhone Is 2x Profitable As Other Mobile Players

For a long time Nokia had been the leading cellphone manufacturer volume wise - that is, until Apple spoiled its party last quarter. It wasn't much of a party to be honest, considering the losses the Finnish mobile giant has been piling up. However, if you look at the statistics, Apple has more than just captured the largest share of the cellphone market pie.

Love it or hate it, but Jobs' Reality Distortion Field has achieved the seemingly impossible. It has managed to push super-luxury gadgets with mass-market volumes, despite a virtually non-existent product range.

This feat is even more impressive when you consider profits. Apple has made twice the amount of profit in the mobile phone segment than all the other industry players combined. If that sounds hard to believe, here's a bar graph to help you come to terms with the numbers:

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